Codecademy front-end engineer course
- Learn CSS: Color
- Introduction of Color [색 표현법 종류]
Named Color | English words that describe colors, also called keyword colors |
RGB | numeric values that describe a mix of red, green, and blue |
HSL | numeric values that describe a mix of hue, saturation, and lightness |
- Two types of Color[배경색, 글씨 색]
color | this property styles an element’s foreground color. |
background-color | this property styles an element’s background color. |
- Hexademical (16진수)
: A hex color begins with a hash character (#) which is followed by three or six characters.
*the hexadecimal number system has 16 digits (0-15) instead of 10 (0-9)
*the values with doubled digits for each color value can be shortened to there characters. (like below code)Hex
Black: #000000 or #000
White: #FFFFFF or #FFF
Aqua: #00FFFF or #0FF
- RGB Colors
:each of the three values represents a color component, and each can have a decimal number value from 0 to 255.
(red, green, blue)
:using decimal number
h1 {
color: rgb(23, 45, 23);
* RGB이든 Hexademical한 방법이든 하나로 통일하는 것이 좋음.
- CSS color는 147개만 제공하는 반면, 위의 표현방식을 이용하면 256*256*256=16,777,216개 표현 가능.
- Hue, Saturation, and Lightness (HSL)
* 특성을 비슷하게 색을 여러개로 만들고 싶을 때 한 숫자만 바꿔도 돼 유용.
Hue | an angle on a color wheel. |
Saturation | refers to the intensity or purity of the color. - increases towards 100% -> gets closer to the edge (the color becomes more rich) - decreases towards 0% -> gets closer to the center (the color becomes more gray) |
Lightness | how light or dark the color is. Halfway, or 50%, is normal lightness. - 100% makes the color lighter, closer to white. - 0% makes the color darker, closer to black |
- Opacity & Alpha [투명도]
:opacity, or the amount of transparency
:alpha is zero, the color will be completely transparent. If alpha is one, the color will be opaque.
color: hsla(34, 100%, 50%, 0.1);
color: rgba(234, 45, 98, 0.33);
- the alpha value as, “the amount of the background to mix with the foreground”. (it mix for each pixel.)
- CSS color나 16진법으로 대체 불가능.
- transparent 는 서로 대체 가능.
color: transparent;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
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