Codecademy front-end engineer course
- Learn CSS: Display & Positioning
: consistently appear on the left side of the browser. This is the default position for block-level elements.
*The default position of an element can be changed by setting its position property
static | the default value (it does not need to be specified) |
1) relative | to position an element relative to its default static position |
2) absolute | all other elements on the page will ignore the element and act like it is not present on the page |
3) fixed | fix an element to a specific position on the page |
1) relative [상대적인 위치]
:default값인 static에 상대적으로 위치함.
.box-bottom {
background-color: DeepSkyBlue;
position: relative;
top: 20px;
left: 50px;
top | moves the element down. |
bottom | moves the element up. |
left | moves the element right. |
right | moves the element left. |
2) absolute[절대적인 위치]
:다른 요소들과 상관없이 오직 absolute에 해당하는 속성만 적용.
3)Fixed[고정된 위치]
:We can fix an element to a specific position on the page (regardless of user scrolling)
*This technique is often used for navigation bars on a web page. [메뉴 등을 고정할 때 용이]
-Z-index(the depth of elements) [우선순위 배정]
:controls how far “back” or how far “forward” an element should appear
.box-top {
background-color: Aquamarine;
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
.box-bottom {
background-color: DeepSkyBlue;
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 50px;
z-index: 1;
-> 이경우 box-top 클래스가 더 우선순위에 놓이게 됨.
-Display [디스플레이]
:The display property allows you control how an element flows vertically and horizontally a document.
[수직/수평적으로 나열하고 싶을 때 사용.]
-Display property
1) inline
2) block
3) inline-block
- Default display tag -> inline
- <em>
- <strong>
- <a>
1) Inline [인라인]
: Inline elements have a box that wraps tightly around their content, only taking up the amount of space necessary to display their content [특정 요소만을 지정하여 편집할 때]
- it displays its content on the same line as the content surrounding it
(they cannot have manually-adjusted width or height)
*do not start new lines but will flow horizontally with sibling elements
2)Block Display [블록]
: they are the height necessary to accommodate their content.
(Because it takes up the width of their container )
- it starts a new line and can be sized using height&width property [새로운 라인에서 시작, 높이 지정 필요]
- block-level by default include all levels of heading elements <h1>~<h6>, <p>, <div> and <footer>
3) Inline-Block Display [인라인 블록]
: Inline-block elements can appear next to each other and we can specify their dimensions using the width and height properties. [요소들을 정렬해줄 때 사용하면 용이.]
(also, it does not start with new lines.)
-float [플로트]
: Floated elements must have a width specified [속성(왼쪽, 오른쪽)에 따라서 전체 너비를 차지]
*the element will assume the full width of its containing element, and changing the float value will not yield any visible results
left | this value will move, or float, elements as far left as possible. |
right | this value will move elements as far right as possible. |
-Clear [클리어]
: specifies how elements should behave when they bump into each other on the page
[겹칠 때 어떻게 해야할지 지정해주는 것]
left | the left side of the element will not touch any other element within the same containing element |
right | the right side of the element will not touch any other element within the same containing element |
both | neither side of the element will touch any other element within the same containing element |
none | the element can touch either side. |
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