Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY12 Learn CSS: Display & Positioning -Position : consistently appear on the left side of the browser. This is the default position for block-level elements. *The default position of an element can be changed by setting its position property static the default value (it does not need to be specified) 1) relative to position an element relative to its default..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY11 Learn CSS: The Box model [Lesson2) Changing The box model] ** h1 { border: 1px solid black; height: 200px; width: 300px; padding: 10px; } -padding의 영향으로 높이는 220px, 너비는 320px이 된다. 또한 border의 영향으로는 최종적으로 212px x 312px이 된다. -> the border thickness and padding are added to the overall dimensions of the box. 그렇게 되면 정확한 박스 사이즈를 예측하기 어려워짐. [해결법] The box-sizing..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY10 Learn CSS: The Box model [Lesson1) The box model] - The Box Model [박스 모델] Width and height specifies the width and height of the content area. Padding specifies the amount of space between the content area and the border. Border specifies the thickness and style of the border surrounding the content area and padding. Margin specifies the amount of space..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY8 Build own your cheat sheet 예제를 보고 나는 HTML의 태그 종류에 대해서 cheat sheet page를 만들어보았다. -HTML- HTML tags HTML elements -CSS- h1,h2{ text-align: center; } table,td{ border: 1px solid cadetblue; } table{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } h2{ color: cornflowerblue; } th{ background-color: darkcyan; color: white; } .code{ background-color:wheat; } .sansserif ..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY8 Learn CSS: Typography *Typography is the art of arranging text on a page - Font Family [폰트 설정] : 기본 설정은 Times New Roman, 웹페이지 당 폰트 종류는 3개까지만. h1 { font-family: Garamond; } - Font weight [글씨 굵기 설정] : If you want to get a bold text, then use the attribute 'bold' p { font-weight: bold; } p { font-weight: normal; } * number style header { font-weight: 800; }..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY7 Learn CSS: Color - Introduction of Color [색 표현법 종류] Named Color English words that describe colors, also called keyword colors RGB numeric values that describe a mix of red, green, and blue HSL numeric values that describe a mix of hue, saturation, and lightness - Two types of Color[배경색, 글씨 색] color this property styles an element’s foreground color. bac..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY6 Deploy a site with Github Pages Developing with CSS Semantic CSS - What is Github? : GitHub hosts that folder so that it is accessible to you and your teammates from anywhere in the world. - Making Website with github [깃허브로 간단한 웹페이지] kwonet.gith..
Codecademy front-end engineer course DAY5 Learn CSS: Selector and Visual Rules [2) CSS visual rules] Getting started with Text Editors - CSS structure [CSS 구조] :The entire code must be surrounded by selector :The property and value are separated by a colon (:). A semicolon (;) should always be used at the end of a declaration. property the property you’d like to style of that element (ex. color,..